What is No Boundaries Forestry/Shared Stewardship?
The group effort known as Shared Stewardship is taking place in many states. In Idaho, these efforts fall under our No Boundaries Forestry collective efforts. Idaho is addressing more than 6 million acres of Idaho forestlands that are designated as high-risk for potential catastrophic wildfire and insect and disease outbreaks. We need the support and participation of federal, state, industrial and family forest landowners to reach our goals.
The Idaho Department of Lands, the USDA Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service are sharing staff, funding, and are joining with a governor-appointed advisory group to identify mutual priorities and cross-boundary forest management opportunities.
Learn more in our Story Map.
News for Landowners and a survey opportunity
The Highway 95 Corridor Project is planned to address hazardous fuel conditions on 92,355 acres of private, state, and federal land. This will increase forest health and resiliency, enhance wildlife habitat, and create fire-adapted communities.
Look for an upcoming forest treatment demonstration site in the Circle C subdivision.
Possible funding sources for private landowners to participate in the cross-boundaries forest health improvements include National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) EQIP program and Idaho Department of Lands Grant Funding.
EQIP grants help private landowners address forest health through cost-sharing with reimbursements between 50% and 75%.
The Highway 95 Corridor Project is a collaborative effort between the Payette National Forest, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Emmett/Weiser Districts, the IDL Payette Lakes Supervisory Area, and the BLM Cottonwood Field Area.
State, federal and county representatives toured the Highway 95 Cooridor Project in July 2021 to discuss challenges, solutions, and why landowner participation is so important to the success of forest health improvements and a reduction in wildfire risk.
How to participate
- Contact a Private Forestry Specialist at the Idaho Department of Lands office in McCall at 208-634-7125.
- Or fill out our online landowner survey below to provide your contact information.
- The Private Forestry Specialist can provide advice on the conditions of your forest, recommend ways to reduce the risk of wildfire, and review options to complete the work.
Please let us know what your questions and concerns are about your property. We are here to connect you to the help you need.
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See before-and-after pictures and learn about the two priority areas. Scroll down to the bottom of the story map to see information about the Highway 95 project.