Through the collaborative work of many partners, IDL has completed the revision of Idaho’s Forest Action Plan—updating the Resource Assessment with the most up-to-date geospatial data and revising the Resource Strategy to better address Idaho’s current issues and threats affecting forestlands across the state. The 2020 Idaho Forest Action Plan (FAP) was used as a baseline assessment to help spatially define the Shared Stewardship Priority Landscapes and Focal Areas.
Plan Overview
The FAP is a long-term, coordinated strategy for reducing threats to Idaho’s forests while increasing the social, economic and environmental benefits they provide. IDL and a broad group of stakeholders and partners completed the plan, which includes urban and rural forests across all ownerships. The purpose of the FAP is to help landowners and managers in Idaho identify projects and activities that reduce threats to and increase the benefits of Idaho’s forests.
Learn more in the Accomplishment Report from 2008-2015
2020 FAP – Overarching Goals
The FAP identifies the following goals and strategies to effectively reduce threats and enhance the benefits of Idaho’s forests.
- Idaho’s forests are diverse and resilient to climatic changes and other threats (fire, insects, disease, noxious weeds, etc.)
- Forestlands that provide the highest ecosystem benefits are identified, maintained and enhanced.
- Forest ecosystems are more resilient to human activities (development, harvest operations, etc.)
- Forest-based wood products markets are economically vibrant and sustainable.
- Idaho has a framework for implementing the Forest Action Plan, to guide project prioritization across boundaries.

2020 Forest Action Plan
Part One: Resource Assessment
The Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources is a geospatial analysis of forest conditions and trends in Idaho. It identifies seven main issues affecting Idaho forestlands, and describes the data and models used to identify priority landscape areas in which to focus work.

2020 Forest Action Plan
Part Two: Resource Strategy
The Statewide Forest Resource Strategy goes through each priority landscape area identified in the statewide forest resources assessment. It discusses the key threats and benefits issues within each of these areas, identifies strategies for addressing them, and lists programs, partners and resources that can help. Last, it provides an overall framework for implementation through the Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council.