Official Government Website

Rangeland Fire Protection Associations, or RFPAs, leverage the extensive local knowledge among Idaho ranchers to provide swift initial attack on rangeland wildfires.

Learn about Idaho’s Rangeland Fire Protection Associations

Select items from this table of contents to learn more about RFPAs, where they are, their organization and contributions to fighting wildfires on Idaho’s rangelands.

Strengthening Firefighting Capacity

Rooted in the idea of empowering local landowners to protect their own property and their neighbors’, Rangeland Fire Protection Associations add firefighting capacity where protection services are limited or not available.

GIS Enabled RPFA Fire Map

Find Idaho’s Rangeland Fire Protection Associations on this GIS enabled map, and explore the fires they have responded to over the years.

Local RFPA Organizations

Idaho’s RFPAs are local non-profit organizations that protect a combined 8.9 million acres of private, state and federal rangeland from catastrophic wildfire – a landmass larger than the state of New Jersey!

RFPA History

Idaho’s first rangeland fire protection association, the Mountain Home RFPA, was formed in 2012. Since then, Idaho’s RFPAs have expanded in number and collaborated to suppress range fires.

Annual RFPA Reports

Each year, IDL reports to the Idaho Board of Land Commissioners about RFPA’s state of readiness and preparations underway to expand rangeland protection.

Sage Grouse

Rangeland Fire Protection Associations play a key role in helping Idaho conserve sage grouse.

Grant Information

Rural Fire Capacity Grants for RFPAs

Funding for this program is provided by the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry branch. This page provides the application forms.

OSC Grants for RPFAs

The Governor’s Office of Species Conservation (OSC) can provide grant funding to Rangeland Fire Protection Associations for the purchase of fire tools, supplies, PPE and more.

Stay Informed

Never miss important news and updates about grant opportunities and training seminars by signing up to receive Forestry Grant Programs News. Past editions of this email newsletter are archived below for review.

RFPA Deadlines & Events

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Program Contact Information


Rick Finis
South Idaho Fire Program Liaison
(208) 334-0263

Life on the Range Videos

Life on the Range, a series produced by the Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission, features videos highlighting RFPAs, their members and contributions.

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