The Governor’s Office of Species Conservation (OSC) has grant funding available for Idaho RFPAs. To apply, the RFPA must provide the project request information below. This is an opportunity for Idaho RFPAs to purchase firefighting tools, supplies and PPE. These funds are also available for radio maintenance/repair costs, batteries and chargers.
The funds cannot be used to purchase of routine vehicle supplies such as lubricants, fuel, washer fluid, etc.
Standard firefighting supplies, tools, and PPE should be ordered through the Coeur d’Alene Cache (CDK). If items are purchased from a private vendor and are available through CDK, reimbursement will be capped at the CDK price.
Items not carried in the cache system should be purchased from private vendors. Items that serve the same purpose as a cache item, but cost significantly more, may or may not receive full funding. Funding may be limited to the similar cache item price.
Keep in mind, items purchased at a higher cost may only be replaced if lost or damaged on a fire for the amount a comparable cache item would cost. For example, a $400.00 Binford 4000 nozzle purchased through a private vendor will most likely be replaced with a $140.00 Forester nozzle from the cache or District.
Once your application is approved there are two ways to get your materials:
- CDK purchases will be ordered through Rick Finis (not your local Area Office). CDK will direct bill OSC. Another advantage to CDK orders, no out of pocket spending for the RFPA!
- The RFPA will purchase approved items from private vendors and submit a photograph of the item and final paid invoice for reimbursement.
Required Project Request Information
Link to the Project Request form (Microsoft Word)
The deadline for requests is March 31, 2024. Decisions will be based on available funds at the time of application.
Include in the project request:
1. A description of item(s) or service. If it is a cache item, include the NFES number.
2. Price or price estimate.
3. Vendor name. CDK or private vendor(s).
4. A brief explanation of the need or purpose.
Applications are to be sent via email or US Mail. Please, do not fax.
Via US Mail
Idaho Department of Lands
Attention: Rick Finis
300 N. 6th Street, Suite 103
Boise, ID 83702
Via Email