Official Government Website

The IDL administers the Idaho Dredge and Placer Mining Protection Act, passed in 1954. Dredge and placer mining is the extraction of minerals containing particles of gold or other valuable minerals, using suction dredges with a nozzle eight inches in diameter or more. A placer deposit can be in a natural watercourse or an ancient river channel high above a stream.

Read more about IDL procedures on the Agency Guidance Documents page. 


Statutes and Rules



IDAPA 20.03.01 Rules Governing Dredge and Placer Mining Operations in Idaho and IDAPA 20.03.03 Rules Governing Administration of the Reclamation Fund, recently went through the rulemaking process. The new rules will take effect on July 1, 2024. For more information, please visit the IDL Rulemaking Pages for IDAPA 20.03.01 and IDAPA 20.03.03

Small Scale Mining

The IDL does not regulate small scale mining such as power sluices, suction dredges with a nozzle five (5) inches in diameter or less, and equipment rated at a maximum of fifteen (15) horsepower or less. Small scale mining is regulated by the Stream Channel Protection Act administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR). If a miner has a Small Scale Mining permit issued by IDWR, they do not need any additional permits from the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) to mine in a navigable stream.

A summary of the requirements for small scale or recreational mining are highlighted in this Recreational Mining Pamphlet or go to the Recreational Mining webpage.


Department Contact – Boise Staff Office

Andy Mork, PG, Program Manager – Regulatory Minerals
Resource Protection and Assistance Bureau
(208) 334-0247

For questions specific to a location, please contact the nearest Supervisory Area

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