Welcome to our IDL GIS Data Hub. Our staff build and maintain spatial datasets and applications, conduct GIS projects, and publish interactive IDL GIS maps of Idaho to help with the management of Idaho’s endowment assets and to provide transparency and easy access to information. Some of these IDL Idaho Map Services are designed for the general public while others are meant for use among GIS professionals.
Maps/GIS Applications
IDL Geoportal: Full Collection of IDL GIS Data Applications
Land Records Application/Access IDL Customer Portal
IDL GIS and Remote Sensing staff selected for the
given to just 170 winners out of more than
2020 ESRI Special Achievement in GIS award
400,000 Global ESRI users
Idaho Department of Lands
GIS Mission
To build and maintain Geographic Information System (GIS) capability within the Department of Lands, plat accurate land ownership information
for state owned land (Idaho Code 58-119); maintain activity records for land administered by the department; provide expertise and service in fields of GIS, spatial analysis, cartography, remote sensing and aerial photography or other similar technical fields that
would not otherwise be available to the department.