Official Government Website

On May 17, 2016, the State Board of Land Commissioners voted unanimously to consider strategic acquisitions of timberland and, on a more limited basis, farmland, with proceeds from the sale of residential cottage sites and commercial properties. 

At this time the Land Board also voted to approve the Investment Policy Statement and the updated Asset Management Plan. These documents lay the foundation for the recommendation in the Strategic Reinvestment Plan. 

IDL uses these documents to guide the investment recommendations it makes to the Land Board.

Investment Plans & Policies

2016 Strategic Reinvestment

IDL's Strategic Investment Plan helps the agency assess options to guide the Land Board’s decision making regarding prudent investment of money in the Land Bank.

2018 Strategic Reinvestment
Plan Update

The 2018 update to the Strategic Reinvestment Plan outlines Callan, LLC's recommendations for setting asset hurdle rates for reinvestment purposes.

2020 Reinvestment Subcommittee Recommendations

After a year of review, the Land Board's reinvestment subcommittee reported their recommendations for maximizing long-term returns to the full Land Board.

Statement of Investment Policy

This statement provides policies for the investment and management of financial and land assets which together comprise the endowment assets.

Asset Management Plan

IDL's Asset Management Plan provides strategic direction to the Department for the management of endowment timberland, real estate, farmland, and rangeland.

Strategic Reinvestment Contact

Bill Haagenson
Deputy Director
(208) 334-0276

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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