Official Government Website

Locate a lease and help fund Idaho

The Land Board and IDL have statutory authority to lease approximately 2.5 million acres of endowment land for grazing, farming and conservation.

Revenue generated from these leasing activities provides vital funding to the endowment beneficiaries, including Idaho’s public schools. Idaho’s constitution requires IDL to maximize the revenue generated from these lands for the beneficiaries.

Any individual, company or governmental agency that wishes lease endowment land for grazing, farming or conservation must obtain a lease from IDL.

Web banner Leasing Locator Cows

Table of Contents

Program Contacts

Boise Staff Office
Natural Resource Leasing Program Manager
Addie Faust
(208) 334-0275

Boise Staff Office
Leasing Section Manager
Jason Laney
(208) 334-0278

Jerome Area Office  
Lands Resource Supervisor 
Randal Brunmeier
(208) 324-2561

Idaho Falls Area Office
Lands Resource Supervisor
Heath Hancock
(208) 525-7167

Southwest Area Office
Lands Area Manager 
Dean Johnson
(208) 334-3488

Payette Lakes Area Office 
Lands Area Manager
Scott Corkill
(208) 334-634-7125

Maggie Creek, Clearwater, & Ponderosa Areas 
Lands Resource Specialist 
Ian Bridges
(208) 935-2141

Grazing Leasing

IDL manages 1,106 grazing leases that cover 1,789,103 acres of endowment land located primarily across the southern two-thirds of Idaho. These leases contributed 260,348 animal unit months (AUM) of forage to livestock operations in FY2022.

Upcoming Grazing Lease Auctions

Available for Lease

Expiring Grazing Leases

This is our new leasing locator tool. Please contact us if you have questions.

Farming and Cropland Leasing

IDL administers a portfolio of 61 agricultural leases that total 50,751 acres. Crops grown on endowment lands include alfalfa hay, barley, beans, corn, potatoes, safflower, wheat and organic crops. Portions of agricultural endowment lands are managed within the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).

Upcoming Farming and Cropland Lease Auctions

Available Farming and Cropland Leases

Expiring Farming and Cropland Leases

Conservation Leasing

IDL administers a portfolio of 23 conservation leases for recreation, big game, and wildlife habitat in conjunction with Wildlife Management Areas.

Upcoming Conservation Lease Auctions

Available Conservation Leases

Expiring Conservation Leases

Grazing Rate Memos

2025 Grazing Rate Memo

2024 Grazing Rate Memo

2023 Grazing Rate Memo

2022 Grazing Rate Memo

Lease Templates and Important Information

Interactive Grazing Allotment Map

IDL has developed an interactive map tool showing the locations of known grazing allotments and land ownership in the State of Idaho. Read the instructions on using the application.

Grazing Program Business Plan

Draft Lease Example

Grazing, Crop and Conservation Lease Template

Affidavit of Loss

Make a Payment

What is an AUM?

Update Your Address

Expiring Leases and Unleased Lands
Flow Chart

This flow chart explains how unleased lands and expiring leases are advertised, applications are reviewed, leases are drafted, and auctions are held.

Live Auction Process
Flow Chart

This flow chart explains the live auction process for grazing, farming, conservation, non-commercial recreation, and communication site Leases.

Life on the Range

Life on the Range is an educational project produced by the Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission showcasing real stories about the ever-changing landscape of ranching, multiple-use management, entrepreneurial spirit, family and stewardship on Idaho’s rangelands.
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