Generating Revenue from Endowment Land
The Land Board and IDL have statutory authority to administer oil and gas leasing on approximately three million acres of land, as well as the beds of navigable waters which were granted to the state in trust at statehood in 1890. IDL also issues and administers leases for lands held by other state agencies, including Fish and Game, Parks and Recreation, and Transportation.
Revenue generated from leasing oil and gas resources on endowment land provides vital funding to the endowment beneficiaries, including Idaho’s public schools. Idaho’s constitution requires IDL to maximize the revenue generated from these lands for the beneficiaries.
Any individual, company or governmental agency that desires to extract oil and gas owned by the state must obtain an oil and gas lease from IDL.
Table of Contents
Program Contact
Program Manager
Boise Staff Office
Mike Murphy
(208) 334-0290
Upcoming Oil and Gas Lease Auctions
If you wish to receive an email alert regarding newly posted oil & gas lease auctions for IDL, please click on the email link below and request to have your email address added to the oil & gas auction alert list:
email link:
The list below includes parcels already nominated and scheduled for public auction.
“No data” will show below if no auctions are currently scheduled, please check back again later.
Quarterly dates for potential future oil & gas lease auctions are listed further down this webpage.
Tentative Dates for Oil and Gas Auctions
New nominations for oil & gas leases are subject to the following tentative quarterly auction dates.
“Click” on the dates below for additional information.
Nomination Closing: April 17, 2025
Tentative Registration Deadline: July 17, 2025
Tentative Auction Date: July 24, 2025
Nomination Closing: July 17, 2025
Tentative Registration Deadline: October 16, 2025
Tentative Auction Date: October 23, 2025
Oil and Gas Expiring Leases
Oil and Gas Royalty Audit
Lands and minerals owned by the state are leased to make money for endowment land beneficiaries. IDL requested auditing services to assess whether royalties paid for oil and gas produced from wells were in compliance with the governing statutes, rules and leases, and reflect accurate reporting made by the operator.