Official Government Website
We provide technical assistance and training to private landowners and forest managers, designed to minimize insect and disease risk.


Our focus is on prevention and suppression of damaging insects, diseases, and weeds before and during outbreaks. We promote restoration of tree species most suited to the soils and environment in order to grow long-lived, productive and healthy forests.


(click the image to read the Idaho Response Plan for Invasive Insect & Disease Tree Pests)
Prevention is the best means to protect trees. Treatments focused on prevention result in reduction of tree mortality; thinning dense stands, applying preventative chemical barriers, pruning and favoring existing tree species most resistant to forest pests are good examples. Pest surveys and monitoring can prevent a pest from increasing to damaging levels and reduce tree mortality, when early detection is followed by a rapid response.

The IDL Forest Health staff cooperate with other state and federal agencies to complete several annual pest detection and monitoring surveys.

  • Aerial detection surveys locate, identify, and map insect damage agents and the impacted tree species across most forested lands in Idaho.
  • Monitoring surveys for the native Douglas-fir tussock moth provides predictive data of the next cyclic outbreak and informs management decisions to control the pest.
  • Pheromone trapping surveys for the European and Asian gypsy moths detect incipient populations. Early detection of non-native pests increases the probability that eradication efforts will be effective and prevent widespread, long-term damage and mortality to urban and rural forests.

Fact Sheets

Other Information

Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth


For questions specific to a location:
Supervisory Areas

For statewide programmatic questions:
Forest Health
Coeur d’Alene Staff Office
(208) 769-1525

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Landowner Outreach

Informational Materials

Forester Forums – short informational publications covering various aspects of forest management practices

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