Official Government Website

Stage 2 restrictions take into account the National Wildland Fire Preparedness Levels. Preparedness levels are determined according to fuel and weather conditions, fire activity, and fire suppression resource availability throughout the country. As preparedness levels increase, fire suppression resources are at a premium or may not be available due to increased national demand.

Table of Contents


Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire (wood or gas fueled), or stove fire.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 17

Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a designated recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 17

Operating motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails in accordance with existing travel management plans.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 17

The following acts are prohibited from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.:

  • Operating a chainsaw or other equipment powered by an internal combustion engine for felling, bucking, skidding, yarding, processing, road building and woodcutting during industrial operations or firewood gathering.
  • Blasting, welding, grinding or other activities that generate flame or flammable material.
  • Using an explosive.

A 1-hour patrol is required after the activities described above have ceased. For forest operations requiring an IDL-issued Certificate of Compliance, a 3-hour patrol is required. If the work is occurring under an IDL “Option 1” Certificate of Compliance, a 1-hour patrol is required.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 17


An exemption does not absolve an individual or organization from liability or responsibility for any fire started by the exempted activity.

Persons with a written permit that specifically authorizes the otherwise prohibited act.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 18

Persons using a fire or stove fire fueled solely by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels. Such devises, including propane campfires, may be used only in an area cleared of flammable material.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 18

Persons using stove fires with a chimney of at least five (5) feet in length and employing a spark arrester with a maximum mesh screen opening of ¼ inch on federal lands designated as the Frank Church River of No Return, Gospel Hump, or Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Areas.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 18

  • Persons using metal fire pans within ¼ mile of:
  • The Salmon River from the Corn Creek launch site to Vinegar Creek.
  • The Middle Fork of the Salmon River.
  • The Selway River from the Paradise boat launch to Race creek.
  • The Snake River from Hells Canyon Dam to the City of Lewiston.
  • Henry’s Fork of the Snake River from St. Anthony to Mike Walker Boat Access.
  • South Fork of the Snake River from Palisades Dam to Mike Walker Boat Access. 

The only exception to the ¼ mile rule is: 

  • Salmon River from Vinegar Creek to its mouth at the Snake River, where fire pans are allowed only below the mean high water mark. 

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 18

Persons using a generator with an approved spark arrester on areas that are cleared of all flammable materials within three feet of the generator.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19

Log loading and hauling only from landings and existing roads.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19

Private landowners using charcoal (disposed of properly) or propane barbecues on their own lands.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19

Emergency repair of public utilities and railroads as per attached conditions in Stage II Exemptions for Public Utilities and Railroads, Appendix 11.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19

Any federal, state, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force, in the performance of an official duty.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19

Persons conducting activities in those designated areas where the activity is specifically authorized by written posted notice.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19

All land within a city boundary.

Source: Idaho Fire Restriction Plan, page 19


The 2023 Idaho Fire Restrictions Plan defines the terms used on this page. Here are the definitions you need to understand Stage 2 Fire Restrictions.

An approved fire pan is a durable, metal pan at least 12-inches x 12-inches wide, with at least a 3-inch lip around its outer edge and sufficient to contain a fire and its remains. Visitors must elevate fire pans off the ground to prevent scorching of the soil. If the fire pan does not have legs to elevate it, rocks must be placed underneath the corners of the fire pan. All ash must be removed and carried out of the river corridor in a sealed container or durable bag.

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