Sawtooth North Zone enters Stage 1 Fire Restrictions September 11, 2022
Friday September 9, 2022Sawtooth National Forest and Idaho Department of Lands work to reduce human cause fires
Jerome, ID — With wildfire danger is increasing across South-Central Idaho, the USDA Forest Service and Idaho Department of Lands will initiate Stage 1 fire restrictions on the Sawtooth National Forest portion of the Sawtooth North Zone, effective on Sunday, September 11, 2022.
The Sawtooth North Zone encompasses lands north of Highway 20 to the northern most Sawtooth National Forest boundary situated in Blaine, Camas, and portions of Custer, Elmore, and Boise counties. Please see this map for more information.
Stage 1 fire restrictions apply to all National Forest system lands administered by the Sawtooth National Forest, Fairfield Ranger District, Ketchum Ranger District, and Sawtooth National Recreation Area as well as all state, state endowment, and private land in the North Sawtooth Restrictions Zone that lie within the boundary of the Sawtooth National Forest.
Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, the following acts are prohibited:
Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire or stove fire except within a designated recreation site, or on their own land, and only within an owner-provided fire structure.
Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or designated recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
Under these restrictions, campfires are allowed only in recreation sites within metal/concrete fire pits. Fires of any kind are not allowed in any dispersed camping areas. These restrictions will remain in effect until October 31, 2022, and are intended to decrease the chance of any preventable fires. If conditions moderate, the Forest will consider lifting restrictions earlier.
The maximum penalty for violating a fire restriction order may differ depending on the agency. For the USDA Forest Service, the maximum penalty for violating the restriction order is $5,000 for individuals and $10,000 for corporations and/or six months imprisonment.
For additional information on fire restrictions, visit the fire restrictions websites at or IDL's Fire Restrictions Finder. You can also view the Sawtooth National Forest’s Order 0414-00-043 online.
For additional question call the Sawtooth National Forest Supervisor’s Office at 208-423-7500, the Fairfield Ranger District at 208-764-3202, Ketchum Ranger District at 208-622-5371, Sawtooth National Recreation Area at 208-727-5000, and Stanley Ranger Station at 208-774-3000.