Official Government Website

These webpages currently align with overall communications strategy.  Please consider sharing these IDL webpages from your own social media accounts. You can find social sharing icons near the top of the recommended webpage.  If you are logged into your social media accounts, all you need to do is click on sharing icons.

Visit and Share the Wildfire Alerts Webpage

Sign up to receive wildfire alerts by selecting a Forest Protective District from the map on this webpage, or by choosing a district from the list at the bottom of the page. Alerts are available by text messaging or email.

Visit and Share the Seasonal Jobs Webpage

IDL recently upgraded its seasonal jobs webpage to help supervisory areas recruit seasonal fire staff, particularly engine bosses, and other seasonal employees. If your area would like to post a hiring announcement to the seasonal jobs page, please send a request to

Visit & Share Director Miller’s Recent Op Ed

To help the general public and policy makers understand why IDL has requested significant new fire preparedness funding for Fiscal Year 2023, please consider sharing Director Miller’s recent opinion piece that was submitted to newspapers across Idaho via  your own social media accounts

Visit and Share the GIS Program Webpage

To help the general public and GIS professionals understand how we manage endowment assets, provide transparency and make information about endowment land easy to find, please consider sharing the GIS Program webpage via your own social media accounts.

Visit & Share the Understanding Endowment Land Webpage

To support communications designed to educate the public about IDL’s various functions and accomplishments, and explain how we support endowment beneficiaries financially, please consider sharing the Understanding Endowment Land webpage via your own social media accounts.


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