Public reminded to be aware of logging operations around Bogus Basin
Friday June 5, 2020(Boise) – Forest visitors, including hikers and mountain bikers should be aware that logging contractors removing dead trees with Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe are working along the Bogus Basin Road north of the resort and areas around Bogus Basin. Forest users may encounter delays up to one hour along National Forest System (NFS) roads 297, 374 and 374E. Trails may be temporarily closed only while the contractor is working in the area. One to two logging trucks are expected on those roads per day with operations taking place Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. – 5 p.m.
“We have not a set schedule for which trails will be temporarily closed, but they will be signed and we urge visitors to use caution when in the area,” said John Wallace, Assistant Timber Management Officer, Idaho City Ranger District. “Roads are remaining open and for driver’s personal safety, they should alert the logging operator of their presence before proceeding through active operations. There should be enough room for vehicles to pass between log decks, slash piles and equipment parked along the roadside. In some instances vehicles may have to wait for the road to be cleared to pass, or to turn around.”
The logging contractor is expected to be working on NFS roads 297, 374E and 374 through the middle of July. Operations will impact access to the Shafer Butte Campground during that time. No logging operations will occur within the Shafer Butte campground and the campground will remain open after its scheduled opening, June 14, 2020.
The Good Neighbor Authority timber sale is administered by the Idaho Department of Lands as part of USDA Forest Service’s Bogus Basin Forest Health Project.
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Venetia Gempler, Boise National Forest | (208) 373-4105|
Sharla Arledge, Idaho Department of Lands | 208-334-0236 |