Request Submitted
Your public records request has been submitted. If you have questions about the status of your request please email
A request for records must be granted or denied within three days after receipt. If the custodian determines that a request cannot be granted within three days after receipt, IDL will acknowledge receipt of the PRR in writing and advise the requester that up to 10 business days may be necessary to retrieve the requested records. The request must be granted or denied in whole, or in part, within 10 business days. If it is determined that fulfilling the request will result in a fee for labor and/or copies, the 10 business days count will stop on the date the requester is notified of a fee due. All work to fulfill the request stops until the fee is paid. The requester has 30 calendar days to make payment. When the fee is paid, the 10 business days count will resume.
If a state agency does not respond to a PRR within 10 business days following the request, the request is deemed to be denied per Idaho Code.