More than $400,000 went into the Idaho Department of Lands Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Fund in Fiscal Year 2022. The fund provides off-highway vehicle opportunities and helps repair damage directly related to off-highway vehicle use on Idaho Endowment Land. On January 1 of each year, every motorbike, ATV, UTV, or specialty off-highway vehicle (SOHV) operated on public or private land must be registered and numbered to legally operate. A dollar of every registration fee goes to the Idaho Department of Lands.
Endowment lands are different from other lands in Idaho as the priority is managing them for the long-term financial return to beneficiaries, which include Idaho schools. Recreation opportunities are supported as a secondary use provided those activities do not degrade the lands, interfere with management activities, or otherwise negatively affect the long-term financial return to beneficiaries.
2023 OHV Fund Project Highlights
Pend Oreille – Hayes Gulch $4,581.31
Following timber harvest operations, the trail system is being restored with the help of volunteers. The trail system restoration efforts will continue through 2024. Buck and rail fencing was installed around the parking lot to direct recreationists to the trail and eliminate unwanted cross-country travel.
St. Joe – Trail & Camping Inventory $27,082.00
A contractor was hired to complete a GIS-based inventory of recreation trail and camping opportunities in the area. This inventory developed a baseline of information that will be used to help develop a recreation plan for the area.
East Idaho – Kelly Canyon Project $10,904.79
Three miles of ATV trail was laid out for rerouting that will be constructed in FY 2024. 3.8 miles of a new single-track trail named Cranky Cowboy was designed, laid out and constructed. The new trail construction included ride over cattle guards to eliminate the need for recreationists to open gates, while also keeping cattle in their allotments. Plans for a new parking lot/ cattle pen was developed to be constructed in FY 2024. A new kiosk was constructed and installed at the proposed parking lot, to provide a location to post area guidelines and a map identifying recreation opportunities in the area. An excavator and brush hog were rented to assist with trail work and unauthorized route removal in the area.
Statewide – Security Patrols $29,261.41
The security patrol contractors and Idaho Department of Fish & Game monitored recreation use on endowment lands. They interacted with the recreating public to provide education on access issues and department policies. Problem areas were identified, gate breaches were repaired, and mitigation was performed under other contracts. Each year the security contracts assist with management, by documenting and reporting recreational impact observations. The information provided by IDFG, and the security patrols are valuable to assist with addressing challenges.