In 2019, to help provide high-level guidance to implement Shared Stewardship efforts in Idaho, Governor Little convened a group of 17 leaders in forest management and policy. This appointed committee of professionals, representing a balance of forestry interests and skills, is working with the Governor’s Office to develop guiding principles, opportunity pathways, communications strategies, and meaningful accomplishment metrics.

The purpose of Idaho’s Shared Stewardship Advisory Group (SSAG) is to advise the Idaho Department of Lands in successfully implementing Shared Stewardship in Idaho.

Idaho Shared Stewardship Advisory Group Charter
Our committee members are critical in making Shared Stewardship a success. Find your committee and meeting materials here, as well as our founding documents. Thank you for participating in this important work and remember to follow our efforts on social media with #NoBoundariesForestry.


Ara Andrea
Shared Stewardship Coordinator
(208) 666-8624

Shared Stewardship Advisory Group Members

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